At its January 12th meeting, Town Council approved this resolution for Ms. Iris Hill, Town Administrator, in appreciation and recognition of her exemplary years of service to the Town of Edisto Beach. Ms. Hill...Read more
To ensure your yard waste gets picked up, please make sure that it is either bundled or containerized. The Town has an ordinance requiring yard trash to be place in neat piles at the curb and to either be placed in a yard waste bag/container or bundled by twine. Please read the full ordinance...Read more
Town Council has approved the advertisement of a vacancy on the The Image and Design of Edisto Committee (TIDE). If you are interested in serving on this committee, please complete this application form...Read more
Mayor Crawford Moore cordially invites Town of Edisto Beach residents to a Retirement Party Open House for Iris Hill, Town Administrator, who is retiring on January 31. The Open House will be held on January 20th, from 4:30-7:00 p.m., at the Edisto Beach Civic Center. Please RSVP by January 16...Read more
Dominion Energy is scheduled to begin tree trimming on or about Monday, January 16 th . The contract crew is “Looks Great Services”. This is done on a 5-year tree trimming schedule to ensure the Town’s power lines are clear of vegetated growth to maintain power to the Town. The overhead...Read more