Water System Improvement Project
The Town of Edisto Beach water supply comes from groundwater wells in the Santee Limestone aquifer. This water supply has elevated levels of chloride, fluoride, and sodium concentrations that affect taste and may cause corrosion in the distribution system and residential plumbing and appliances. The water improvement project was implemented to reduce the mineral content in the water and provide adequate supply to meet high seasonal demands during the summer tourist season which far exceed the demands during the winter months. The project consists of combining reverse osmosis water treatment with additional supply and storage to resolve the dual problems of water quality and water supply.
The project site is located at 2502 Lee Street. The project consists of installing three new 10-inch wells approximately 580 feet deep with submersible pumps and variable frequency drive motors and transmission lines connecting the three wells to the water improvement facility. The plant will house three reverse osmosis treatment skids each with a permeate capacity of 320 gallons per minute for a combined treatment capacity of 1,200 gallons per minute, including a 20% blend with raw well water, chemical systems, motor control center, emergency generator, high service pumps, control room including a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) computer control system, office and restroom. The water treatment discharge line will consist of approximately 1,900 feet of line into the Atlantic Ocean. A concrete clearwell is being constructed under the treatment plant building to provide additional storage of 290,000 gallons. Automatic control valves will be installed on the fill line of both the existing elevated storage tank and the ground storage tank to control the filling of the tanks for water demand.
Bond Attorney-Howell Linkous & Nettles
Financial Advisor-Municipal Advisors
Underwriters-Raymond James and Oppenheimer& Co.
Rating Agency-Standard and Poors
Auditor-K Eve McCoy
Rate Study-American Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Custodian-US Bank National Association
Iris Hill, Project Manager
Bond $7,255,000 issued July 18, 2017 ($7,200,000 project $55,000 bond costs)
Phase I-$90,000 (Water R&R)
Change Order Settlement $125,000 November 20, 2020
Final Cost $7,470,000
Wharton Smith-Prime
Thomas and Hutton-Prime Engineer
Harn RO - Prime Reverse Osmosis
McCall Brothers-Well Drillers
Stono Concrete, Inc.- Concrete
Doka USA, Ltd- Formwork
Harris Rebar North Carolina, Inc. -Rebar
Halliday Products, Inc. - Hatches
Pete Duty & Associates-Vertical Turbine Pumps and pump screens
Henry Pratt Company LLcC-Slide Gate
Arco Building Systems, Inc-Pre Engineered Metal Building
Fortiline Inc.-Pipes and Valves
Robert Frank Land Surveying - Surveying
Murdaugh's Tree Service - Tree Trimming
Terracon Consultants-Testing
JR Wilson-Sitework
Carroll Enterprises-CDL Directional Drilling
Door Systems of Charleston-Overhead Doors
The Bay Company-Silt Fence
Southern Fiber-Pipe Testing Asphalt Bike Path/Road, RW Pipeline
Mid State-Raw Water Line
SCE&G-Relocate Power Lines
Logan Diving-Discharge Line
Mid State Masonry-Masonry
Kintz Electric LLC-Temporary Power
Gate Precast Company-Precast Hollowcore Slabs
Tony Goodwin-Place Concrete
R&R Rebar Reinforcing, Inc.-Reinforcing Steel Install
Square D-MCC Gear
Gregory Electric-Electrical
B&F Mechanical-Plumbing
WS Contractors of Goose Creek-Exterior Finishes
Blanchard Machinery Company-Generator
Knights Precast-Sanitary Manhole
Dorsett Technologies, Inc.-SCADA
Wolfe Contractors, LLC -PEMB Erection
Harrelson Painting, LLC-Concrete Coating Clearwell
B&F Mechanical-Plumbing
Carolina Services-Interior Finishes
Causey's Tiger Air-HVAC
KL Shane-Static Mixer
Carotek, Inc.-Valve Actuators
Atlantic Valve and Equipment-Check Valves
Dexurik Inc-Valve package
Chet Adams Company, Inc.-HVAC
Pentalift Equipment-Scissor Lif
Project Updates
Wharton Smith and Town of Edisto Beach finalized negotiations regarding the $1,332,000 change order request. Final payment of $125,000 was agreed upon due to delays from the Sarah Mckenzie et al lawsuit, increase in building size, concentrate discharge line changes, additions of the chemical lifting system and divider wall to name a few. This was paid using interest earned on the borrowed funds so there is no impact to the water rates.
Wharton Smith submitted a change request for the GMP project.
The water plant is operational. Reverse Osmosis water is being produced and transmitted to homes.
The Engineering Firm submitted the final permit submission to DHEC on February 27, 2020. Once the submission has been reviewed and approved, they will issue a permit to operate. At that time we will begin filling the tanks and tower for distribution.
The RO project is now in the startup phase. Harn RO is onsite and the membranes have been installed. Water testing is ongoing. We anticipate having DHEC approval to operate in February.
Please note that when distribution of water begins, there will be some discoloration and sediment. If you are using a Reverse Osmosis system in your home you may want to speak with your vendor to discuss how it may impact your system if it is operating when distribution begins. Once distribution begins, the Town will no longer operate or maintain the RO dispensing station at Town Hall.